Tuesday, July 24, 2012

when one card isn't enough

Over the weekend I picked up a copy of Complete Book of Tarot Spreads. What I really want is Barbara Moore's Tarot Spreads, but so far that one hasn't turned up for $4 at the used bookstore.

I used to be skeptical of these kinds of books. I mean, once you've seen enough spreads you can just make up your own, right? Are there really going to be any ideas in here that I couldn't have thought up on the fly?

The answer: sometimes, yes. Also, I was feeling like I needed a kick in the something. New idea, new inspiration, whatever.

Right now I am digging this 8-card spread out of the Complete Book called "Facing the Gap." I've actually started using it for daily readings, which might seem like a bit of overkill, but I've felt like I need a little more information, more nuance, than just one card can give. Also, if I'm going to be honest, my brain is a chaotic disaster mess right now. Astrology says what?

(Plus I'd been pulling Lust like almost every day and using it as an excuse to eat lots of ice cream. Which is not exactly the best strategy for me not being in a sugar coma.)

Without further rambling intro: the new spread, and today's cards.

1) This is possible: XIX - The Sun.

I love this for a first card. This is possible. Like, before we get started, before we get into the details, know that this is possible.

And it's a good one. The Sun. Happiness. Overcoming the bullshit, growth and transcendence and all of those happy things. Also, it's fucking hot and sunny every day here. In a way, this is some kind of a reminder: there is power in that. Walking around feeling drained and dejected because it's hot and bright out is, in a way, a failure on my part to use that energy in a workable way.

It is possible that this will be an amazing day.

2) This is important: XV - The Devil

In order to get the Sun, you've got to remember the Devil.

Independence. Freedom. Giant helping of not really giving a fuck about weird external factors like who might hypothetically disapprove. Got it.

3) This is courageous: 10 of Wands - Oppression

I feel a bit like the fire behind those nasty Wands. Cut off from everything, burning myself up, unable to actually get to the things that would really feed me.

But the courageous thing to do, I think? Keep burning. Understand that this is a shitty, temporary situation. The assumption being that I'll get out of it before I actually destroy myself.

4) This is futile: 10 of Swords - Ruin

Well, yes, the 10 of Swords is pretty futile.

Don't spend today caught up in the nasty internal swordiness. The evil brain place. It's a pointless journey.

5) This is necessary: 6 of Cups - Pleasure

Wait... you're telling me that actually tending to my emotional needs and enjoying life is necessary?! PFFT! Cards, I think you might be drifting towards the hippy pagan commie dark side.

Don't feel guilty for having fun. Noted. In case I missed that in the 10 of Swords memo.

6) This is joyful: 3 of Cups - Abundance

Well, yes, it is.

But more importantly - there is emotional fulfillment to be had here. Healing. Satisfaction. All those good things.

7) This is funny: 5 of Cups - Disappointment

This card is actually not funny, folks. This card sucks.

Me: "To what joke is the 5 of Cups the punchline?"
Satyr Magos: "My life."

Maybe it's other peoples' disappointments I'm supposed to be laughing at.

8) This helps you to get ahead: Queen of Disks

Well, yeah, she's a badass.  I wish I were confident that this meant some QD was going to stroll into my life and fix my shit. Unfortunately...it probably means I have to do the work. Protect the turf. Nurture and be in control and all of that shit.

Stay grounded, as it were.

I think that's enough of a to do list for one day.

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