Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nine Possible Swords

1) Possible: 9 of Swords. So, it is possible that today is really going to suck, what with the being so caught up in my own head that I hate everything. Here's hoping I can avoid that shit. It's not like I am even working or anything! And it's not like a day of idleness could in any way lead to me overthinking my life and ending up in a shitty headspace. Oh, wait.

2) Important: 10 of Wands. This is either a warning to not push too hard or a warning to not let myself be pushed at.

3) Courageous: Prince of Swords. Yesterday this was in spot #4. Not sure I get it. Meditation, maybe.

4) Futile: Knight of Cups. No intuitive fluff for me today. No inspiration.

5) Necessary: 6 of Disks. I have some work to do, apparently. I am not sure what this is. I am not working today. Anything I'd really like to be doing outside of that would be all Knight of Cups-y. Maybe laundry?

6) Joyful: 5 of Disks. This is not joyful! This card sucks and needs to stop following me around.

7) Funny: XV - The Devil. Really? Funny? Maybe to someone else. I'd really like to know who's been laughing at all of these.

8) Helpful: VII - The Chariot. Focus on the destination. Actually do things that bring me closer to the destination. Focus less on whatever terrible shit is going to happen today than on where I am heading.

I did a bit of pretty serious magick/visionary work last night, that I thought was pretty awesome and productive. Looking at this, I am wondering if maybe I just fucked it all up.

Nothing like drawing the 9 of Swords to make you immediately start feeling 9 of Swords-ish.

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