Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday is blargh!

1) Possible: XI - Lust

Energy. Drive. Getting shit done. Passionate pursuit of things I want. Alternately, it is possible to get what I want today. Which is exciting.

Determining what I actually want out of today would be the challenge. Things to work on: this.

2) Important: X - Fortune

Understanding of how things play into the larger picture, or perhaps just accepting that they do, and this is fate, and letting it happen is the wisest course of action.

This worries me, honestly. I am always worried that I am going to lost my job and end up alone and homeless by the end of the day, though. It's quite possible it's not anything so dire.

3) Courageous: 4 of Swords - Truce

Put down the knife! Stop fighting so hard. Stop pushing back. Let today be what it is and don't flail quite so much.

4) Futile: Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is kind of the anti- 4 of Swords here, I think. The Queen is not going to let things flow. She wants to fight back and decapitate! (One wonders, though, if I what I am lusting for is some good old-fashioned decapitation, then...?)

5) Necessary: 5 of Cups - Disappointment

OMG 5 of Cups! Would you stop it already?

6) Joyful: Price of Cups

I have a hard time with this, because it's my card (astrologically, anyway) and any time it shows up I just feel that... yeah, it's me, what's your point?

It could be about being subtle and crafty and wrecking shit via subtext, but that doesn't really fit coherently with the rest of the reading, does it?

7) Funny: 3 of Disks - Work

What is funny about this? I guess getting fired might be funny. I really don't know.

8) Helpful: 3 of Swords - Sorrow

Now I really think I am getting fired. The 3 of Swords always feels like a lesson from the universe in non-attachment, and non-attachment is one of my philosophical and cognitive pet peeves.

(Like: Last time I checked you still ate and showered and maintained a regular sleep schedule and wore a seatbelt - all of these things demonstrate some level of attachment. Actually, fuck it, talking or writing about non-attachment demonstrates some level of attachment, so I really don't want to hear it! Blargh.)

I don't get how Lust is possible but the really helpful thing to understand is that we're all fucked anyway and trying is so, completely pointless.

I really, really hate swords.

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