Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday: Mission Impossible

Still doing the same 8-card reading. I am not sure whether I like it or not.

Assuming this is even possible with a cat determined to sit on my cards...

1) Possible: 4 of Wands. Oooh, actually getting shit done. Exciting. It kind of goes downhill from there, though.

2) Important: Ace of Swords. Being decisive and clear and other things at which I am terrible.

3) Courageous: 7 of Cups. Facing emotional nasties. Thanks for that.

4) Futile: Princess of Cups. I love Princess of Cups days, all drifty and inspired. Inspiration, though, is not happening today.

5) Necessary: 10 of Disks. Paying attention to resources, I guess.

6) Joyful: 3 of Cups. Duh.

7) Funny: Queen of Disks. Yesterday you were futile. Now you're funny. I get it - no control for me. Not sure, if the 10 of Disks is necessary, the Queen can be futile. Aren't you telling me two contradictory things?

8) Helpful: 5 of Disks. Seriously, you want to tell me that worrying about shit all day is helpful. I don't approve.

So, today: Get things done, be clear and decisive, but don't expect to be inspired. Focus on physical and material resources, and be happy, but don't expect to have any control over those resources, and definitely worry a lot, thereby accomplishing....nothing?

I'll sit this one out and move on to Friday, please.

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