Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday is FML

1) Possible: 5 of Swords - Defeat

Seriously?! I am so tired of you, 5 of Swords. It's not like I am sitting about doing nothing at all. I don't know WTF you want from me.

Nothing like the universe saying, "Well, you're pretty much a complete failure, so..." to get your morning started. FUCK YOU SWORDS.

2) Important: Prince of Cups

I don't feel like being conniving and merciless today. Conjuring the energy to do that is going to take some work.

3) Courageous: 8 of Cups - Indolence

Two options: 1) Give up now. Really. It's your best bet. 2) Actually deal with some lingering emotional drama, i.e., actually go to this meeting this morning re: getting back into school. The entire school question is a giant 8 of Cups.

4) Futile: V - The Hierophant

Now I lean towards the "give up" interpretation of position number 3, because this cards here says that interactions with authority will be fruitless. Translation: meeting with the registrar will be a waste of my time.

5) Necessary: Princess of Disks

Intuition says: perseverance. But this reading has already told me to give up three times. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, cards.

6) Joyful: III - The Empress

Why you gotta give me the Princess of Disks and the Empress in the same reading?  Really?

7) Funny: Ace of Swords

I finally make the decision to make the school thing happen and it turns out to be completely impossible? That is funny. Or not.

8) Helpful: Prince of Wands

Being an asshole. Got it.

Today sucks

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