Sunday, August 5, 2012

random dreamy weirdness

I an in a store - pet food, people food, something. I can't be sure. There are only huge bags of food, labeled with simple names. Some of them are single ingredients, corn or flour or peas, and some of them are mixtures of things, like Rice Blueberry Seed. The bags are the color of brown paper, nearly the size of a queen sized mattress, and stacked up on very tall shelves all throughout this huge store.

This is not where I need to be,m and in the dream, I know this is not where I need to be, so I leave.

I arrive somewhere else, and park somewhere I feel is inconspicuous. I pull in and lay the chair all the way back so that no one can see I am here. I wait a while before going inside.

It is some kind of a conference. There are huge staircases all around the auditorium and they are fucking steep with no hand rails. I am continuously terrified that I am going to fall but I am walking up and down the stairs trying to find my people.

There are a lot of random people from high school, and I am surprised by that. I am about to text my friends to see if we want to sit with the random high school people - I have not made my presence known to them, yet - but the lights go down and the conference is starting.

There are some handouts handed out but some of the people are taking extras so I can't get mine. I have to go to the guy with extras in the back/top of the seating area. Some guy who sits next to me is really pissed because I went and got another one. He thinks I am hoarding them and there will not be enough for everyone.

I am personally certain that there are extras because anyone who gives a conference on this scale brings extra materials. Going with exactly the right amount is a sure way to have a disaster. But I don't know how to explain this to him and I also I find him kind of frightening.

This is the most frustrating part to not remember: something is going really wrong at this conference and I know I need to leave. I am having a hard time deciding how many people to tell. I think some of my friends might already be gone, but some of them are still on the Wi-Fi and some of their cars are in the parking lot.

There is some time spent on a balcony before I actually leave talking to a few people and creating some minor physical building damage/distraction.

When I leave I feel like the positioning of my car was a good idea. I get out.

There is so much more, though - my brain is just not getting to it.

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