Thursday, January 5, 2012

Here Comes the Sun (of Employment Termination)

My card of the day, yesterday, was The Sun, which could mean, "chill the fuck out and enjoy your day," or "chill the fuck out and focus on your ascension," either of which is totally fine with me.

I can do both at once; I'm cool like that.

So I didn't let traffic bother me, or being two minutes late. I didn't get too harsh with myself over the $5 mocha I couldn't really afford but really wanted. Focus on The Sun. It was actually sunny out, and that made it all easier.

And then... I got fired.

I got fired for the first time ever. I'd never been fired before.

And my first thought was, "Sweet. Now I can go home and sleep." (This was a second job, not my primary employment.)

My only concern is that in my annual reading (which I ought to post here, for reference) my card regarding all things of the Second House is The Sun, too, so... let's just hope the shortest path to happiness and/or acension isn't always getting canned.

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