Sunday, January 8, 2012

COTD: The 8 of Disks

The 8 of Disks suggests, to me, discernment. Carefulness. Watchfulness and patience and reserve.

Attributes that most of my dearest ones would admit, even after a moment of discomfort, that I lack.

Also, I'd much rather be running amok today, kicking ass and/or taking names and/or drinking something fruity with an umbrella. Those 8 Disks are surveying me, now, with mild horror. (They're not capable of any other kind.)

Also, there is a lot on my plate today, so I wonder - do I have to 8 of Disks everything? (This where I try to get another answer, because... I don't want to. I don't want to listen to the cards and sit still, on my hands, not talking, today. I don't want to stay home and be careful about everything.

So I did a whole 10-card about where I am right now.

Me right now: 9 of Wands - Strength
Well, yes. All of that energy and force and go. I want to go and do some shit right now. I have what I need to kick the ass and take the names and make the changes and WHY DID YOU TELL ME TO 8 OF DISKS WHEN I ACTUALLY HAVE THE ENERGY TO BLOW THINGS UP?! Oh, maybe that is why.

Influences: IV - The Emperor
Strength, reality, persistence. I feel like this Emperor is tempering my initial Fire impulse, but just a bit. I am trying to channel that energy into a concrete and productive set of goals.

Go for this: Knight of Swords
He is discerning, and versatile, says Keywords. Objective and analytical. (In my earlier days of divining re: mine and others' relationships, the Knight of Swords was a kiss of death. Keywords tells us that in relationships this Knight has a "very limited will to commit," and generally signifies "diversified contacts on a voluntary, non-committal basis." When you're seventeen, apparently, that sounds bad.)

Crowley calls him the "True Will exploding the mind spontaneously."

Basically, I need to keep my head in the game, I guess. This day is lived in thoughts and inspirations. Which is reinforced by this:

Avoid this: Queen of Cups
Avoid too much watery wateryness. Crowley says, "to see the Truth of her is hardly possible, for she refelcts the nature of the observer in great perfection."

Oh, wait. I do that. This is a pretty straight-up warning to focus on things that I actually want, even if they are a bit unstable or ephemeral, instead of just reflecting and playing into the wants or needs of others. A serious struggle right now.

Just got past: XX - The Aeon

This card has been all over everywhere for months now. In the immediate future, the immediate past, the current position, the outcomes, everywhere.  There is no rest from the Aeon for me.  Except, perhaps, right now. Big Bad Transition for the moment is past. I will not be surprised if it recurs soon, but for the moment it is past.

Moving into: 0 - The Fool

OK. Starting a new job this week. All sorts of new and interestings... this is no surprise.

Hopes/Fears: VII - Adjustment

This card can never be anything but hopes AND fears. I am trying to consolidate and process all of that Aeon stuff.  I am trying to balance the scales, find my center point, stand steady in a world and a life that is prone to swaying. I am hoping that I can do this without leaning too far over and falling on my face. I am afraid that I can't. I know I am being vague right now, but this adjustment is about: money, living situation, friends, family, relationships, sex (that's a different category, really), career and educational goals, everything. I am trying to find a balance point and hoping that the process of getting there doesn't hurt too badly or do too much damage.

Environment: Ace of Cups

This is promising, perhaps the most promising part of this whole thing. All that is going on around me, this chaos and upturning and drama, is presenting me with an opportunity to be really, truly happy, to incorporate some level of emotional fulfillment.

The state of the brain: 4 of Wands - Completion

I've been seeing a lot of this card lately, but it's only right: Things are wrapping up. I left a job, not of my own accord, but still, it was done. A visitor I had for three weeks has left. My roommates are about to move out. I am about to finally start another job that I've been working towards for months.

Outcome: Princess of Wands, 10 of Swords - Ruin, XXI - The Universe

I pull cards on an outcome until I get a major or an Ace. I don't remember where I got this from, it's just how I've always done it.

Also, I didn't like that 10 of Swords, so I asked for some more info:

5 of Cups - Disappointment, 10 of Wands - Oppression, XI - Lust

The Princess of Wands and I are good friends. She is a license to actually want things and be a little careless, which I relish. Our princess doesn't feel guilty about wanting, she just wants and manifests and moves on to the next sparkly thing. A dear friend gave me a lovely pep talk last night, in which she told me, "It's scary to want things.... But everyone wants things. And there's nothing wrong with wanting..." I am the kind of person that needs to hear that, a lot. I'm much more likely to just Queen of Cups at people and give them whatever they want to see.

That 10 of Swords means I am going to overthink something to the extent that I drive myself crazy, basically. This is not a surprise.  And it's going to be about something that has disappointed me, that an excess application of force won't push me through, that is somehow to do with something that I really want.

But the 10 of Swords is internal. And once I get through that, I'll be exactly where I am supposed to be.  (The Universe.)

If, in fact, we aren't all always already there.

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