Monday, March 12, 2012

monthly forecast time! (part 2)

Continued from here.

Arguably, life gets a little more interesting in houses 7-12. That might just be my generalized bias towards life. I think that 7-12 are where we find most of the good shit.

7) Partnership: XV - The Devil

My current approach, when I think a card could be about any of eighteen things in my life, is just to assume it's about all of them. (The major question for this house is who? More on that later.) And for all of my drama with The Devil, I think I am getting a bit more comfortable with the kinds of things he means, for me at least.

It is the glossing over, the let-it-slide, the resulting simmer of resentment. It's insecurity. (Know me for ten years before you tell me that you don't think this is what it's about. The temptation towards passivity is strong.) Especially considering the remedy I drew for this is the Queen of Swords.

In some ways, I suppose the Queen of Swords is always the remedy for the Devil.

I am broadening my interpretation of this house, purposefully, after missing a couple of things in a reading for someone else, which is part of the reason why I'm not sure where this is going to show up. (Did you know that enemies can show up here, too? I didn't!)

To be on the safe side, I might just have to be a little bit of a bitch this month. (And by "bitch," I mean "assertive." Oh, wait, I suppose that is the standard meaning.) Apologies in advance.

Last month: Ace of Wands. In keeping with the expanded theme, I am going to say that definitely happened, with a variety of people in a variety of contexts. (And this is a lot of what made the month suck less than it otherwise might have. New energy directed at/produced by a lot of important relationships.)

8) Crisis/taboo: Princess of Wands

There you are, darling! I've been waiting. It's March, after all, and I always go crazy in March. It's not always Princess of Wands crazy. (Sometimes it's the 10. It is, however, always Wands.)

I'd hesitate to say that this is easy, because the 8th house is rarely easy, but at least it's familiar. How to avoid burning up everything and everyone including me in the reckless, hollow, defiant pursuit of more? How to make myself sleep, and eat, and focus, and retain even a modicum of practicality?

None of this implies that I won't be having fun. It's just doing all of those PsW things without offending polite society or ending up in any one of those places that people usually put at the end of the phrase "end up in...".

Last month - The Magus. Last month was a lot about available tools and skills, and just not using them out of exhaustion or apathy or lack of confidence.

9) Higher Perceptions: XVII - The Star

I could really use some Star right now. Things are intense, even if no one else can see it. Lots of internal weird. Lots of re-aligning. (Saturn return says what?) And I need to know that I am on the right path, sort of. Even if I'm not, it would be nice to feel that way. Confidence is its own reward, or some such shit.

Last month: Queen of Wands. Speaking of confidence! I don't think I've seen the last of her. Pretty sure there is still much to learn. Wands have been a bit of a focal point for me this year. "What do you want?", they ask. I still don't have an answer, but I am working on it.

10) Public Recognition/Future of Occupation: 10 of Disks - Wealth

Money. Completion. Success. Increase.

I know this doesn't mean I am going to get rich this month. What it does mean, I hope, is that more success coming. Or maybe it's just that I really want it.

Last month was the Chariot, which was really about me finally starting the tutoring job. (As I've said, the reading wasn't that bad, but that 3 of Swords scared me off of the whole thing.) Even now, though, that I am teaching a class, I am still not quite there. So my focus on getting there was quite accurate. My focus now is the fucking money.

11) Friendship: XX - The Aeon

What's up, Aeon? Haven't seen you since...January, maybe? It definitely has not been long. I've been getting used to the idea that I'm in Big Bad Transition mode. (Again, Saturn return says what?)

This is an interesting place for it, though. This speaks to transformation via friendship, or friends going through transitions, or facilitating the transitional experiences of others. All of the above? Quite a few people in my life are going through some pretty major growth right now. It is, actually, not just me.

Last month: 5 of Wands. I think I know what this was about, but it's interesting to me because...well, whatever. Conflicty goodness since resolved by avoidance! (Which is not what the 5 of Wands wants, I get that. Did we forget the 3 of Swords? I wasn't really inclined to fight anyone over much last month.)

12) Secret hopes/fears: Queen of Wands

Exactly. This is kind of my central question. How can I embrace passion and confidence and independence and strength without the accompanying dark side?

(Oh, you mean, "how can you just never take risks?" Yeah, kind of.)

Last month: 9 of Swords. Which pretty much sucked.

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