Saturday, March 10, 2012

monthly forecast time! (part 1)

In case you're wondering (you aren't, but it's cool) I did do a reading last month. It sat on my altar the whole time waiting to be decoded. I never got around to it.

I could sit here and tell you that I was too busy and just never got around to it - and there is such a thing as so busy that you do not have one free hour the whole month, but I was not that busy. What is more relevant is that the reading was kind of terrible, and I was feeling sort of terrible already, and I didn't really want to think about it. I was just getting through the terrible. (It's definitely not the case that everything about it sucked, but, well, we'll get to that in a minute.

However, this month's reading rocks, so I am going to post it at my first opportunity, when I should actually be doing something else.

1) General Mood and Outlook: XIX - The Sun

Yes, please. As someone whose primary mode of interaction with life is emotional, I'll be honest - the Sun is a feeling for me. Words fail, a little bit. Partially, it means "chill the fuck out, enjoy this, it's all part of the process." Partially it's a feeling of perspective, of being both above and observing, and enmeshed and present, all at the same time. It's taking a moment to realize how incredible something is while it's actually happening, instead an hour or a day or a year later.

Last month: The 3 of Swords. The good news about the 3 of Swords is that although it sounds terrible in theory, the terrible is part of a process. It's about non-attachment and letting go of things and coming to understand the transience of, well, everything. And it wouldn't hurt so much if you didn't have your hands wrapped around the blades of the ideas that are being pulled away from you, but if they weren't important and you weren't clinging so desperately, you'd pull another card.  So, parts of this definitely sucked. A lot. But I don't think the Sun happens here this month without a successful 3 of Swords. And my hands are mostly healed.

2) Finances: 3 of Cups - Abundance

Cups in the second house isn't new. My emotional health is tied up in my finances more than I am comfortable with. I am having a hard time believing that I will be 3 of Cups-y about money this month, because there are a lot of things to address. However, the direction things are moving in with job + roommate suggests hope would not be foolish, and well-warranted hope is pretty 3 of Cups.

Last month: The Queen of Swords. Last month's money sucked. I made some very poor decisions, financially, but they were definitely Queen of Swords-ish. Just because she's quick and all business, doesn't mean she's always right. I don't think anyone ever said that.

3) Everyday Experiences: VI - The Lovers

So what you're telling me, cards, is that I am going to spend most of this month matching up and unifying disparate things, finding balance and harmony within myself, and bringing together conflicting interests and ideas towards pursuit of common goals?  I see this card, sometimes, like taking all of the awkward people around the fringes of the party (like, a gathering, not politics, though I suppose that works too) and bringing them into the middle, into the action, into the community, into the experience.

It's scraping the sides of the bowl, or engaging the quiet kid in class, or talking through disorganized and chaotic project plans.

Last month: Princess of Disks. Not sure what to say about that other than I feel, especially in light of this reading, that I was definitely incubating.

4) Home: 4 of Cups - Luxury

My brother is moving in, hopefully this weekend. The process has started. I think that we're going to have fun living together. Also, we have a party planned. I think I'll be reveling, sort of, in the feeling of having someone else here. If I haven't mentioned it, I despise living alone. I'm a Scorpio, but Leo rising - social interaction is important to me. I am definitely prepared to enjoy this.

Last month: Queen of Disks. Taking care of things, tending them. A lot of cleaning and organizing and dealing with maintenance issues. Responsible grown-up shit. If there's one thing Mrs. Disks is good at, it's responsible grown-up shit.

5) Fun/Hobbies/Games/Whatever: 5 of Cups - Disappointment

I can think of a few ways this might manifest. Some project or idea that I am working on is going to make me sad. This party, although that would probably show up in the 11th house. Someone will get back to me with some writing feedback and tell me that I should really never write again because I am that hopeless. I will start one of the sewing projects that I am planning and it will be a catastrophe.

But, whatever. The Sun in the first house and the Lovers in the third tells me that whatever this is, it's minor, and not going to affect my overall outlook drastically. Minor downer, that's it. Or maybe I'll just have to say no to some tempting offer because my schedule simply doesn't permit it. Actually, that's already happening. Planning something for the

The fix for this is the Queen of Cups. So many cups!

Last month: 7 of Swords. There was a lot of this - plans shelved, projects neglected, I was just too tired and emotionally drained to get much of anything done.

6) Work: 2 of Disks - Change

Adjustment, changes within a stable system. Working two jobs makes this interesting to interpret, but - I am working on some new projects at job 1, and job 2 basically is a new project. This isn't really interesting except that in it doesn't suck. It's a reminder to be flexible, which is a pretty serious challenge for me, especially at work. Stay focused, flexible, and maybe try a slightly different approach to doing something.

Last month: 8 of Wands. Finally starting teaching at job 2.

Tomorrow: Three more majors and both ladies of Wands!

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