Tuesday, December 27, 2011

NYNY: Goals

My dearest darlings, I simply love goals. The hope and anticipation and planning and spreadsheets and shopping! (For what is a plan, without shopping?)

Follow through is another story.

I have to fight the nasties that tell me that this is just like every other time that I set out to accomplish something and failed.  I have to remind myself of one of my Very Important Things I've Learned Lately:

Most people don't accomplish half of the shit they talk about doing. Most of the plans we plan and schemes we scheme come to nothing at all. This is natural, normal, human bullshit. Sometimes life gets in the way and fucks us up and sometimes we just get so caught up in the fun of listening to ourselves talk about all the Somedays and Somehows that we don't even think about the reality of our situations.

However, part one: some of the things we plan and scheme do come to pass.

However, part two: all of those talks of Somedays and Somehows are a lot of fun, on their own merit, especially when accompanied by good company and at-least-decent wine.

Something to remember, as I embark upon this.

My very first goal is this: Turn this list into one of the things that actually gets done, not one of the things that gets relegated to the Someday/Somehow pile of corner dust.

Perhaps that shouldn't need to be stated, but I am banishing "shoulds" for the remainder of this entry. I find them tiresome.

Three steps for achieving this overarching goal, and for keeping me on track:

1) Post an abbreviated list of these goals in several conspicuous places.
2) Do a ritual dedication to these goals once I have them formulated and arranged, before Jan 1.
3) Blog weekly "report cards" - just a brief summary of progress on these things and the projects in the "making way" post.

Other goals, subdivided by elements (because I am that kind of Pseudo-Wiccan):

Air: cultivate mental engagement and clarity of communication

Fire: embrace the Will and the Want and the risk-taking.

Water: prioritize emotional fulfillment, healing, and the personal cleansing work that I know I need to be doing.

Earth: become a mindful steward of my physical resources and experiences

OK, but what do those actually mean, Aradia?  You're being all vague-ish!  (Not a vague Scorpio, gods forbid!)

Before Valentine's Day Steps:

1) Read one scholarly and confusing non-fiction book.
2) Establish daily meditation practice. Start with 5 minutes/day, work up to 30 minutes.
3) Practice mindfulness in conversations.
4) Develop a serious plan for school - with or without one class this semester. At minimum, meet with an adviser and transfer AP scores before.
5) Complete some serious Wand meditation/journey work/journaling.
6) Complete one solo, personal, targeted bit of magic for specific ends.
7) Write 25K words of fiction.
8) Weekly targeted meditations to deconstruct/reverse/remove emotional roadblocks.
9) Quit smoking.
10) Cook something awesome and delicious once/week that is intended for just me.
11) Yoga. Work up to daily practice.
12) Develop a coherent budget.

Is that specific enough?


1) XX - The Aeon (Present Position)
This is a pretty auspicious card here - it's already started. I am in the middle of the Big Bad Transformation Time. Which I partially already knew, things have been up in the air and chaotic for a few months now.

2) 2 Cups (Influences)
These poor little cups are in my way. Or maybe not. Maybe they are helping and in the way... this type of support can be very helpful when engaging in radical transformations. It can also provide motivation to stay exactly where one is currently located.

3) Queen of Swords (Strive For)
Ms. Queen of Swords has always been a bit of a role model for me.  She is so full of kicking ass!  She takes no shit! She does not give a fuck about your sentimental considerations! She will do what needs to be done. As I should do. Be clear and decisive. Take no prisoners. Disregard the emo. Noted.

4) Princess of Cups (Immediate Past)
I have been sort of Princess of Cups lately, floating around and thinking about things and, you know, germinating, I guess. She's been showing up a lot the last few months.

5) 2 of Disks (Avoid)
When poorly aspected these disks are inconstant and dissatisfied, wandering to and fro and refusing to commit to anything.  When poorly aspected, so am I.

6) 3 of Disks (Immediate Future)
Here begins the work. The doing, the daily grind of putting things together and building them up. No worries.

7) 2 of Wands (Hopes and Fears)
I'm not, like, afraid of my own power, am I? Oh, wait, duh.

8) 8 of Cups (Environment)
Murky emotional drama-time.  Long-standing nasty muck.  Not a great backdrop to this whole process. Luckily, this is explicitly part of what I want to address.  I need to make sure that happens.

9) VII - The Chariot (Mental State)
Yes I am so ready to go!  Let's do it!

10) Prince of Wands/Knight of Cups/Princess of Disks/XVII - The Star (Outcome)
People people people and then optimism and hope and such.  I think that I'll be doing a lot of discussing about this and bouncing ideas off of people, but that my general outlook on the positive potential of this project will remain for a while.  Good news.

More meditation/consultation to follow - I will do this tonight and blog it tomorrow, along with a status update!  Jump right in, you know?


  1. Great goal breakdown! I look forward to seeing the progress!

  2. Thanks for the comments and the feedback! I am excited about this entire process. =)
